We look forward to hearing from you!
tailormade communications
Silvia Göttel und Birgit Kern-Harasymiw GbR
Duisburger Straße 6
10707 Berlin
T +49 30 88677518
F +49 30 88677516
Marktstraße 6
87660 Irsee
T +49 8341 17825
F +49 8341 960 2438
M +49 176 242 59 586
Silvia Göttel
tailormade communications
Silvia Göttel und Birgit Kern-Harasymiw GbR
Duisburger Straße 6
10707 Berlin
T +49 30 88677518
F +49 30 886775166
Value added tax identification number:
DE 248841810
Limitation of Liability: Despite careful control of this site's content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of these sites are exclusively responsible for their content.
Photos by courtesy of the presented companies and photographer Bodo Mertoglu (samples "interior design" and "services" and Jan-Peter-Westermann (samples "culinary culture").
Website made by: portal 2 - Joomla Agentur Berlin